
Side effects and drug interactions.

At CatBatDog we believe in transparency and, unlike many other sites, we dedicate a full page to the topic of side effects and drug interactions.


Again we point you to a report from the World Health Organisation (WHO):-

“In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of CBD.” 

This same report also summarises that:-

"CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile. Reported adverse effects may be as a result of drug-drug interactions between CBD and patients existing medication."

The WHO clearly states CBD has a good safety profile, with no evidence of public health related problems. This is of course good news but it doesn't answer our question- are there any side effects? 

Of the many reports I have read, I can only remember two that specifically mention side effects. The first report concludes:-

"A large percentage of respondents indicate that CBD treats their condition(s) effectively in the absence of conventional medicine and with non serious adverse effects.

These non serious side effects were in the minority and included dry mouth, euphoria, hunger, red eyes and sleepy. A second report breaks down the severity of each side effect. The most common side effect was a dry mouth of which 0.8% felt it was severe. This statistic is of limited scientific significance however as it does not equate severity to dose. This small percentage may be made up of those taking the highest doses of CBD.


Drug Interactions

We always recommend consulting your doctor if you intend on taking CBD with medication. Drug interactions are well documented for a prescribed CBD drug called Epidyolex, which your doctor may know about or be able to look up.


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